Religion through my eyes.

For most people, Religion is something where they can run to when things go right or wrong, it serves as their safe zones and they gain strength through it. For me, the only essential things in religion is dedication and faith. Dedication, since we need something to fight for from start to end regardless if it will be successful or not. Faith, since we need something to believe in. It can be applied to non-living things as well since we need to be dedicated to something that we know that has value. The value of one thing varies from each and every one of us, what may be valuable for me may not be valuable for others and vice versa. It is also a manifestation but the manifestation depends on how we view such things and it also depends how we value the said thing.

Philosophy at work reflection

The speakers have shown us the reasons how the values we learned in our Philosophy class can be applied in work and in real life. For example, real life challenges us to be critical thinkers, just like the famous Philosophers, we should question everything that is presented to us, that we must not see it for what it is, but we must see it for how it came to be, and that there must be a reason for its existence in the first place. Another lesson that I’ve learned is that I should always find loop holes in the arguments of the people I am talking with because there will always be a flaw in their statements that I can exploit so that I can use such flaws to dismantle their arguments and to further strengthen mine.

The last major lesson that I have learned is that I should manage my information very efficiently so that when I encounter a problem, I can use the knowledge that I currently have to make a possible solution for the problem that is presented to me. Lastly, the speakers have enlightened us to enjoy our future jobs since if we hate every second on the job that we will land on, we might as well not work at all because of our hatred for the job. And that we should be thankful at least even if we will hate our job because these opportunities are not given to everyone, and that anyone who were given such opportunities to work should take it as soon as possible because these opportunities might be gone sooner or later.

1st Output in INTFILO C33

A collision of realities

As humans, we often ask ourselves: “how did everything come to be?”. An old folk story from the country of Ropesk, tells us how everything started. The old story tells us where and how humankind originated. In a time where two worlds existed: Celestia , the home of the angels, led by the High Seraph: Kishou. And the Netherworld.  The home of the demons, led by the Overlord: Valantin. The two factions always despised each other because of how they lived their lives on a daily basis and how they treat their fellow angel or demon. The angels, or commonly known as the Celestians, often treat their fellow angels with the highest respect and they help them whenever and however they can. On the other hand, the demons always treat their fellow demons as a nuisance and they often engage in combat with their fellow demons to show who is mightier. With these cultures alone, most angels believe that they are the supreme beings instead of the demons because the angels believe that the only ones capable of loving their countrymen. While the demons believe that they are the supreme ones because the angels lacked the might to prove their worth. But like everyone else in this world, there are individuals that don’t believe in their systems. There was an angel by the name of Sola, who believed that not all angels have a pure heart. And there was a demon by the name of Reindhart who believed that not all demons have a wicked heart. There came a time where Sola left Celestia in order to find the answers she was looking for. Reindhart also did the same and left the Netherworld. Both of them has journeyed to a land known as “Ultima” or “The land of neutrality”. It is a land known to shelter exiles from both Celestia and The Netherworld. Ultimas most prominent feature is a very tall mountain called “Mount Germinas” where you can see both Celestia and The Netherworld. It is said that if you reach the peak of the Mountain, you will acquire the knowledge that you long for. Knowing these facts, both Sola and Reindhart aimed to reach the peak, and when they got there, they met each other, they are both aware that the ones going to the peak are the ones who seek knowledge. So they asked each other what were their ambitions, Sola told Reindhart that she wanted to know whether or not all angels are pure and not all demons are wicked. While Reindhart told Sola that he wanted to know the same. The two conversed with each other and they immediately felt a connection between the two of them and in the back of their minds, they thought that it might be a sign that the answers and the knowledge they seek will be provided by the other. After days of talking, they grew to like each other and they thought that they should go back to their own worlds and tell their countrymen about the misconceptions they had about the other race, so before they left for their own homeworlds, they hugged each other and promised that they would meet back at the peak of Mount Germinas when things go Right or Wrong and they hoped that the two races will settle their differences and co-exist with one another. As soon as they got back on their homeworlds, they proclaimed all the knowledge they had acquired from the other. The Overlord, Valantin, upon hearing Reindhart’s stories, banished him because he was spreading lies to his fellow demons which is ironic since demons often lied. And Sola was banished by Seraph Kishou for misleading her fellow angels. So the two of them were stripped of their immortality and were sent to Ultima. Remembering the promise that they made, they both went back to the peak of Mount Germinas and told each other how things didn’t go out well. So they came up with a plan, they convinced their fellow exiles to abandon their wings, both Exiled Angels and Exiled Demons used the last of their remaining powers to dispatch of their wings so that they will show their former countrymen that they are no longer angel nor demon, and the exiles eventually agreed to call themselves as “Humans”, beings who neither bow down to the Seraph nor the Overlord, they also decided to live simple lives without the influence of Celestia nor The Netherworld. They also decided to rename “Ultima” as “Calradia” known as “The Land for opportunities”. Upon hearing this news, both the Seraph and the Overlord talked to each other and agreed that any angel or demon who wanted to experience both purity and wickedness may abandon their current state and become a mortal and be called as a “Human” and not a “Demon” nor “Angel”. And when they die, they will decide if they want to be reincarnated as a Human or their original race. The first humans were led by Sola and Reindhart, they had 6 children, 4 Sons: Lethwin, Dustum, Kastor, and Valdym. And 2 Daughters: Isolla and Arwa. The 6 children then had their own visions in their lives and eventually preached what they believed to be right, and so, they eventually founded their own Kingdoms. King Lethwin founded the Kingdom of Nords, the best seafaring humans. Khan Dustum founded the Khergit Khanate, the master horse riders. Lord Kastor founded the Kingdom of Rhodoks, the masters in mountain combat, Tsar Valdym founded the Kingdom of Vaegirs, the masters in Winter combat. Queen Isolla founded the Kingdom of Swadia, masters of ambush tactics. And Dutchess Arwa founded the Kingdom of Sarrania, masters of Desert warfare. The children and their kingdoms would eventually go to war with their siblings so they may be able to show the world of Calradia whose ideologies were correct and the best. As the years passed by, both good and evil humans lived and died. While both the Seraph and the Overlord watched over their former subjects.

This story is inspired by the games:

Disgaea: hour of darkness

Mount and blade: Warband

Aura kingdom

Infinite space

By the show(s):

Tokyo Ghoul

Star Wars

Kimi no na Wa

Made by: David Baquiran for the 1st output in INTFILO section C33